Prototype Pacman

Random mazes and multiplayer support

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A classic Pacman like game where we have to walk over every single spot in the maze while avoiding the ghosts.

Implemented Features

  • Random mazes: Every play will generate a new random board with no dead-ends, following the next steps:
    1. It first builds random color pieces
    2. Sets a walkable tile around every color piece to avoid dead-ends
    3. Join the contiguous tiles with the same colors to create the maze blocks
    4. Mirror horizontally creating the right part of the board
  • Ghosts AI:
    • Every ghost will try to reach the player following the shortest path at any given time, implementing the A* algorithm. The speed and initial position of the enemies are customizable.
  • Multiplayer:
    • Using the game together with my prototypePacman-server we can have up to 5 players at the same time, one controlling Pacman and others the ghosts.
  • Machine Learning mode:
    • The project has been used to teach a machine how to play, therefore the game can be adjusted for that purpose.

Project Details

  • Built with no libraries, just plain JavaScript