Pixel Art CSS
Animate pixel art and get CSS
- Featured in popular media
- Thousands of stars on GitHub
Pixel Art CSS is an online app that allows the user to create static or animated pixel art and export the result as CSS or download it as an image.
Project Details
- Built using React, Redux and tested with Jest.
- Kick-started during my stay at the Recurse Center in NYC and continuously evolving.
- It is a free and open source project hosted on GitHub.
- I am the only maintainer though there have been many important contributions along the years from other users.
- It has been featured in popular sites.
Featured in:
- GitHub collection
- Gamedev.js
- CSS-Tricks
- Net Magazine
- Speckyboy Magazine
- Anthony Welc
- educacionplasticayvisual.com
- softandapps.info
- My pixel art css collection